10 Reasons to Become an App Developer

App developers are the architects of the tech world. They design and build the foundations of our day-to-day digital lives, from word processors and games to online calendars and mobile to-do lists. Whether you’re programming apps for the web or for smartphones, this career path offers exciting growth, success, and creative opportunities. 

To make life a bit easier for you, here are the top 10 reasons to become a mobile app developer:

  1. High starting salary
  2. Career flexibility
  3. Work from anywhere
  4. Work on your own time
  5. Job security and high demand in the industry
  6. Day-to-day versatility
  7. App dev skills extend past work
  8. Fulfilling
  9. Fun and engaging
  10. Accessible

#1 You Get a High Starting Salary

A large number of app developers stand to make a lot of money, even when they’re just starting out. While it’s not the only reason for entering the field, there’s no shame in desiring financial stability and prosperity out of the gate.

On average, the entry-level salary for front end web developers in the U.S. is $61,000, and $77,247 for an android or iOS developer. Based on information collected from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median pay for software developers in 2019 was a whopping $107,510 per year. 

Not too shabby.

However, know that your salary as a mobile app developer will vary based on these factors:

  • Experience – Naturally, your salary may increase if you showcase previous job experience in the field.
  • Education – Some jobs may pay employees with a certain college degree or certificate. Of course, this entirely depends on the company and is rarely the only factor. 
  • Geography – Companies in tech hot spots like Silicon Valley may pay app developers more compared to other cities due to the inflated living costs.
  • Operating System – Whether you work in iOS, Android, or Linux may affect your salary. 
  • Job Type – Whether you go for traditional employment, work for a startup, or do freelance work, your yearly pay may stray from the average.

#2 You Have So Much Career Flexibility

Speaking of job types, app development paves the way for incredible variety in your career. 

Don’t want to work for one company your whole life? You don’t have to! Want to travel the world for a year while getting paid? Just get some contract gigs and work remotely. Want to live in your favorite city and have a consistent routine? Then consider applying to be a mobile application developer at a large tech company.

You can have so many different job types and routines as an app developer because it’s a job that can be done mostly remotely. Not to mention, the skills you master can even give you the freedom to start your own company. 

Whether you want to be your own boss, are just mastering coding for beginners, or are looking for great benefits (like free food and nap pods) at a tech giant, the world of app development is truly your oyster. 

#3 There’s Day-to-Day Versatility

If you’re the type of person who gets bored doing the same thing every day, this career may be perfect for you. 

Why? Because app development is a lot like baking. 

Similar to bakers, app developers have an app development process they follow when approaching each project:

  • They have to plan their app using pseudocode (while bakers have to prep their pans)
  • They have to use functions, commands, and libraries to write a script (bakers prepare a batter using ingredients from the pantry)
  • They have to continuously test that code to ensure it runs (bakers need to check the temperature and texture of their bakes frequently)

However, for bakers, these somewhat mundane tasks are given a daily “twist” with each new assignment, whether it’s a princess theme, an elaborate fondant sculpture, or complex sugar art. 

The same goes for app developers. 

For a successful android developer, every project presents a fun new challenge that requires them to stretch their creativity and problem-solving skills to the next level, whether it’s integrating machine learning into a chatbot or creating an interactive interface that changes based on the user’s facial expression. Whatever these new tasks may be, they keep your day-to-day fresh. 

#4 You Can Work From Anywhere

While some app development jobs require partial or full participation at an office, many are remote. That means you could spend your working hours typing in your pajamas, or traveling anywhere while making a comfortable living. 

This geographic flexibility is what drives inquisitive minds to the app dev field every day. 

After all, when all you need to do your job is a laptop and a WiFi connection, you can make any city your office. Views of the Eiffel Tower during the morning coding sprint? Sign us up. 

#5 You Get to Work on Your Own Time

Just like your office space is under your control as an app developer, so are your work hours. Many freelance, contract, and even full-time mobile and web app programmers get to make their own schedules. 

Why? Because app development isn’t about putting in the hours, it’s about finishing projects.

And whether that happens in sporadic coding bursts during the day or in a consistent 8-hour block, as long as you meet your deadlines, you can work on your own time. 

#6 Job Security

Getting into app development is like trying out for a capture the flag team—there’s space for everyone on the squad. 

If you have the experience, skills and overall passion for coding, you’ll have more than enough options to take your career. 

According to the BLS, job outlook for software engineers (which includes web and mobile app developers) is set to rise by 22% from 2019 to 2029, which is far faster than the national average. That’s because, no matter the economy’s state, every industry needs to have apps made for both internal use and client-facing purposes. 

This type of job security makes the hard work and training required for the career well worth the effort, and why many people are interested in learning how to become a software engineer successfully.

#7 Your Skills Extend Past Work

Earning good money while doing something exciting is reason enough to leap into a field.

But what if we told you that your app development skills could help you in your daily life?

Knowing how to create innovative digital solutions to unique problems is a brilliant skill that you can apply to your problems at home. Here are just a few fun examples:

  • Feeling uninspired by the productivity apps out there? Create your own calendar app design for your iPhone that uses machine learning to schedule your tasks according to your past activity.
  • Tired of picking your outfits in the morning? Design a fashion app for your android device that uses computer vision to generate daily outfit suggestions based on the clothes in your closet.
  • Want to watch less TV and knit more? Launch a web app that closes your browser after you’ve streamed too much TV and only lets you back on when you’ve finished that hat.

The best part? You can make any of these fun gadgets available on app stores to generate some passive income while you’re at it. 

#8 It’s Fulfilling

App development is not only your ticket to a great job, but also to a better world. 

Thanks to your masterful skills and immense creativity, you’ll have the capacity to launch apps that positively impact the lives of others. Here are just some of the apps out there today that make this planet better:

Whether you are changing the world through your work or your side projects, a career in app development can be as fulfilling as it is fruitful.

#9 It’s Fun

The beauty of app development—and coding in general—is that it’s ultimately a highly creative experience. Just like an artist, an app designer has to develop unique ways to view their project briefs, thinking outside the box to spark the ideas that will eventually turn their code from lines of text into a living, breathing masterpiece. 

And what’s more fun than creating something beautiful from scratch?

A fun and interactive app development platform allows you to use your imagination and apply creative problem solving to brand-new challenges each day. 

#10 It’s Accessible 

After hearing all the exciting perks of becoming an app developer, you may start to worry that a career this good is incredibly difficult to get into.

Thanks to the massive demand, this isn’t the case.

In fact, one of the best perks of app development is just how accessible it is. Even though some tech companies in the field require college degrees, most will only care about one thing from their applicants: their skills.

If you can learn to code, you can become an app developer. Simple as that. 

Becoming an App Developer: What It Takes

Even though learning to code is straightforward, it’s not easy. To become a successful mobile developer, you have to hone top-notch programming skills in several languages, frameworks, and operating systems. While this may seem daunting, you have more than enough resources online to help you. 

Along with acquiring skills like having a strong programming language knowledge base is utilizing online coding programs. These are an excellent resource to build your coding skills and other technical skills at your own pace. However, you need to make sure you find a course designed for optimal learning and engagement. 

Jump Into App Development With Disney Codeillusion

With 125 coding lessons that are as fun as they are informative, Disney Codeillusion is a great practice tool for any beginner or novice coder wanting to make a splash in the mobile application development world. Learn about game development, web design, and media art through the power of HTML, CSS, Processing, and JavaScript.

To discover the magic of coding with some of your favorite Disney friends, try out our free trial today!


Bureau of Labor Statistics. Software Developers. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/software-developers.htm 

From the Grapevine. 9 apps that help make the world a better place. https://www.fromthegrapevine.com/innovation/9-apps-make-world-better-place